Specialty Gases

to the world.
We are supplying gases to semiconductor industries. Semiconductor manufacture memory which is used for data center, smart phone, PC. This is necessary for your current life. Also some of our customer produces CMOS, sensor. As you know smart phone has a lot of sensor and vehicle and plant equipment also has many sensors in order to be automated. This industry grows because of 5G, automation and IT. We are supporting these business by supplying essential gases.

An industry leader in the packaging and distribution of Specialty Gases including Pure Gases, Sulfur Hexafluoride, Halocarbons, Toxics, Corrosives, Rare Gases, and Custom Specialty Gas Mixtures.

- Refrigerant Gas valves by Neriki Japan
- Electronic and Semiconductor Gas valves by Neriki Japan
- Contact sales@iwatani.com

N2 Generator
- Nitrogen Systems: Flow Rates: 10 to 75,000 SCFH Purity
Levels 95% to 99.9995% - Oxygen Systems: Flow Rates: 40 to - 3,000 SCFH Purity
Levels 95% to 99% - Contact sales@iwatani.com
- OEM: On Site Gas Systems Inc.
35 Budney Rd, Newington, CT 06111
Our Customers